You love being a therapist.

You enjoy the work and the relationships you build with clients. You’ve worked hard to engage in fat liberation and learn ways to love your body as it is. Clients make comments about weight and fatness and sometimes share their own fatphobia in ways that can leave you drained and feeling alone.

You want community.

You’re aching for peers who understand the complexities of holding the identity of a fat person. You want support around how to process the ways your fatness may influence the work, mirroring around the struggle of weight oppression, and comrades in the fight to make the field of mental health more friendly to fat folks.

Welcome to The Fat Therapist Gathering

This is a place to meet with other therapists and share support, stories and experiences that center around moving through the therapy world as a fat person. It is a space free from weight-loss talk and where diet-culture is looked at critically.

“I loved it so much! It’s what I’ve been looking for for so long and exceeded my hopes”

— C.L.

A Superfat, Queer, Black psychotherapist who works within a fat-liberation, social-justice, relational framework.

In addition to a deep love for group work, I've worked as a group facilitator for multiple years. I've been participating in fat activism for over ten years and receive consultation on how to work with folks to trust their bodies.

When I’m not running Fat Therapist Gatherings, I’m working as a relationship and couples therapist. Learn more about me and my psychotherapy practice at

Hi, I’m Karen!

Next Gathering

Start Date: September 25th, 2023

Fee: $600 for 8 sessions

Interested in joining?

Complete a short application where you can share a little about yourself and your interest in The Fat Therapist Gathering.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

Fat Joy



Fat Joy • Support • Community •

    Sign-up for my email list to be the first to hear about future Fat Therapist Gatherings

    Keep In Touch


    Who can attend the Fat Therapist Gathering?

    The Fat Therapist Gathering is for anyone, of any gender, who identifies as fat and practices as a psychotherapist or counselor in the mental health field.

    Knowledge of fat liberation is not necessary for doing the Gathering. Having an interest in fat liberation will probably mean that this Gathering is a good fit for you.

    Where do you gather?

    The Fat Therapist Gathering happens online so you’re able to join from anywhere.

    Is this a psychotherapy group?

    The Fat Therapist Gathering is not a therapy group. While certain group therapy ideas and frameworks may be used, this group is not therapy.

    Can I drop-in to The Fat Therapist Gathering meetings?

    No. The Fat Therapist Gathering participants are asked to commit to 8-weeks of meetings and are responsible for payment for each meeting even if not able to attend.

    Will case consultation be a part of the Gathering?

    While you are welcome to speak about clients, we do not have formal clinical cases consultations and I will not be giving feedback on client work.